Do you know greenhouse effect?
Do you know greenhouse effect?
The Japanese meteorologist said.” Greenhouse effect is a
scientific fact.”
I do not know what kind of basis
he has.
I guess you regard him as right.
A scientific basis is not in
greenhouse effect.
You need Radiative Equilibrium
for the Earth.
1.Radiative Equilibrium for the
greenhouse effect is protected
by Radiative Equilibrium.
Do you know next
average surface is 32°C warmer than it would be if it had no atmosphere. A
planet the size of earth at earth's distance from the sun, and in thermodynamic
equilibrium with solar energy (sunlight), would have an average surface
temperature of -18°C. 」
He is wrong.
Let's calculate.
Radiation input is
S0:S0 solar constant
re: The
radius of the earth
Radiation output is
4πre2 σTe4
σ:Stefan-Boltzmann constant
re: The
radius of the earth
Te :Radiation equilibrium Temperature
He calculated as follows.
S0(1-A)πre2=4πre2 σTe4
Te4=(1/4)S0(1-A) (A)
Te=(273-18) k=-18℃
Please look (A)
Te has not re.
Derivative of
Te by re is 0.
Therefore Te is constant.
The temperature of Everest and
the sea becomes the same.
Te is not surface
temperature but Radiation equilibrium Temperature.
Do you know surface temperature of
Gas planet like Jupiter.
I think 500hPa has Radiation
equilibrium Temperature.
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